Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!

From the SouthEastern corner of Loudoun County, VA ("Dulles South"), Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! Thank goodness the days will start getting longer...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bad Economy? Quickly Reduce Advertising Costs and Gain More Customers with SEO

It's a pretty straightforward economic reality hitting local businesses right now - how to drastically reduce marketing and advertising expenses, while continuing to attract new customers and grow revenues. In any economy, good or bad, it is absolutely essential that your business, service and products continue to be represented and advertised in public media - in order to attract new, paying customers.

In this particularly dire economic season, look very closely at how online marketing, using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, can drastically reduce your advertising costs - and rapidly increase the number of people who find your business and pay for your services or product.

This diagram illustrates the new reality of marketing for local businesses - a limited or reduced advertising budget will go further and result in quicker returns, if Internet Marketing and SEO techniques are used. Likewise, your ability to respond to the competition is drastically reduced and can be prohibitively expensive - if Internet Marketing techniques are not leveraged.

Move your marketing dollars to the green, and implement SEO. It's that simple - contact KME Internet Marketing right now to get your marketing budget under control, and quickly find new paying customers.

(Double-Click the image to enlarge)

Local Business Advertising Choices in a Difficult Economy
